Looking for the best cat health blogs on the internet? Look no further!

Looking for the best cat health blogs on the internet? Look no further!

Summer is just around the corner, and whether you have a cat who stays strictly indoors or a nature-loving explorer who enjoys the great outdoors, we’ve got tips to help you keep your fabulous feline cool, safe, and comfy all summer long.

Follow these helpful hints from our compassionate team of cat-loving experts, and your cat will be well-equipped to take on the dog days of summer!

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Just as birds fly and fish swim, there are certain cat behaviors that are highly specific to their species. Many are learned, but quite a few simply come with the territory. Cats have finely-tuned instincts that enable them to hunt with accuracy. Of those instincts, biting and scratching are common traits associated with the ways cats play. The good news is that you can train your cat to play without getting hurt, and they’ll enjoy all your attention towards that goal.

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Claw maintenance is just one of those things in the world of cat ownership that you really can’t ignore. Like human nails, your cat’s claws will keep growing until they either break or grow into their paw pad (ouch!). And, if your cat is like the ones we know and love, they probably spend a good amount of time every day sharpening their claws into little razors. We understand the trepidation, but trimming your cat’s claws doesn’t have to be stressful, scary, or painful. Without tips and tricks, the experience can be easy and fun!

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When supported, each facet of feline wellness contributes to the larger picture of cat health. Nutrition, exercise, environmental enrichment, disease prevention, and safety are all critical, but without routine cat dental care, all other aspects of health are potentially compromised. The thing is, most cat owners don’t realize that problems are brewing inside their cat’s mouth. By the time we get even a faint whiff of kitty breath, plaque and tartar have already launched their attack.

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We all know that what we eat can affect our overall health and well-being dramatically. Feeding our beloved pets is no different. When it comes to making good choices regarding cat nutrition, Cat Care of Vinings is proud to be your go-to resource. While we are always here for you to ask questions, read on to learn the basics of feeding your cat well. 

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In 2020, there were more than 400,000 reports of animal poisonings. It might seem like an unfathomably high number, but what many pet owners do not realize is that many of these poisonings are accidental. Knowing what is toxic to your cat can help you prevent the unthinkable. Here are some of our top cat poison prevention tips:

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One of the greatest attributes of the feline species is also partly to blame when they don’t get the help they need. Indeed, cats are secretive, mysterious, and dead set against revealing any signs of weakness. It is their stealthy nature that hides the truth even from the most experienced and involved cat owners. 

Knowing the signs that your cat is sick is a great place to start, but it’s not always clear or easy. However, being able to identify symptoms can help you address illness or injury in a timely fashion.

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There’s a certain power in being prepared. Knowing exactly what to do when an occasion arises gives us the confidence to get through a frightening or stressful situation. But the sudden force and unpredictable course of natural disasters can relegate any plans made in advance to the back burner. Our fear goes into overdrive and panic sets in.

If cats are a part of your family, they are utterly dependent on you to know what to do in the event of an emergency. Disaster preparedness for cats is pretty straightforward, but several items require immediate understanding and quick action.

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Houseplants are a great way to bring the outdoors into our homes. Plants can bring benefits of improving indoor air quality, beautifying living quarters, and even easing symptoms of depression and anxiety. It’s important to know, however, that some houseplants are poisonous to cats.

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A cat with an anxiety disorder is a frightened cat. Something has happened in its life to make the cat fearful. It could have been loud noises, mistreatment, a fall, or any event that caused trauma. If your cat is overly sensitive to sounds or abrupt actions, anxiety is likely the cause. A specialized cat veterinarian can diagnose this condition and help you understand how to address it. 


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